Welcome to Study by Faith
Study by Faith is a platform designed to help members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or others who are curious about it, deepen their understanding of the Church, its history, and its doctrine.
We aim to provide content that will help educate and uplift people at all levels in a way that will progressively deepen knowledge, understanding, and spirituality.
Study by Faith is intended to supplement, not to replace, the curriculum of the Church for those who want to know more and need a good resource to assist them.
Not Sure Where to Start?
Over the course of the coming year, we will be adding a lot of content for people at all levels. Here are the four primary jumping off points for our platform.
Getting Started
Not sure where to start? Getting Started will help you plot a course through all the material we have on the site.
Church History
Start here to learn more about the history of the Church. Grow from beginner to expert over time.
Church Doctrine
Start here to learn more about the doctrine of the Church. Learn line upon line and precept upon precept.
Come Follow Me
Preparing for your lesson for Sunday but want extra depth and insight? Start here.
Recent Posts
Week 38: Doctrine and Covenants 102‒105
As the Church approached its fourth birthday, it had grown a great deal both in terms of size and complexity. Doctrine and Covenants sections 102 through 105 illustrate that complexity. They include...
Church Doctrine 06, Church Organization, Beginner Level 100
Scriptures in the New Testament mention offices in the Church organization of that day. Acts 13:1 talks of "prophets and teachers." Acts 14:23 describes ordaining elders. In I Corinthians 12:28, the...
Week 37: Doctrine and Covenants 98‒101
With one exception, Doctrine and Covenants sections 98 to 101 cover from August 6 to mid-December 1833, a turbulent period in Church history. This period saw the Saints in Jackson County attacked;...